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Elizabeth Wharton Simco
Female 1807 - 1871

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Elizabeth Wharton Simco Hill

Elizabeth Wharton Simco Hill, b: Jan 24, 1807, d: July 24, 1871, daughter of James Simco and Frances Canaday, wife of Willis C. Hill. She was my 2nd great grandaunt Aunt. We did not find her headstone.

 Elizabeth Wharton Simco Hill

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 3, 2005 
Place  Fletcher - Hill Cemetery 
File name  DSC00412.JPG 
File Size  250.19k 
Dimensions  750 x 1000 
Linked to  Elizabeth Wharton Simco 

Fletcher - Hill Cemetery, Callaway, MO, USA